Upcoming Events

31st January - Clubhouse soirée - Auld Alliance (Shona Wisedale & Julie Healey)

28th February - Clubhouse soirée - Mardi Gras (Odile Simpson & Hazel Foster)

28th March - Clubhouse soirée - St Patrick's Day (Phil Acton & Jonathan Brooks)

25th April - Clubhouse soirée (Chris Osbourne & John Dean-Perrin)

31st May - Clubhouse soirée

6th July - Summer BBQ (details to follow)

27th September - Clubhouse soirée

25th October - Clubhouse soirée - October Rose

16th November - Vide Grenier (details to follow)

26th November - AGM (details to follow)

29th November - Clubhouse soirée - Art Exhibition

7th December - Christmas Lunch (details to follow)

All details for these and other events will be announced in good time by email.

In addition to our regular Friday evening soirées we also plan a number of themed activities over the calendar year to coincide with (inter)national or local customs and traditions.

The agenda is subject to confirmation as the year progresses but the aim is to provide the listed activities as a general framework for the coming year.

The event organiser and their contact details (if known) are in brackets so please get in touch with them for more information or if you feel that you can assist in any way.