Language Class Overview

In 2023-24, the following courses are available:

Taught French Language Courses:

This is an introductory class for absolute beginners
Jenny West & Catherine Roquette.
Weekly, Tuesdays 13.00-14.30

This class is for advanced beginners
Carol Robinson & Bonny Brower
Weekly, Tuesdays 15.15-16.45

This is an intermediate level course
Pascale Van Tulder & Dominique Tallet
Weekly, Wednesdays 13.45-15.15

French conversation classes:

These classes are designed for students who have mastered the basic grammatical rules of French, have achieved level A2 as defined by CEFR and would assess themselves as being close to B1 (CEFR) level or above.

Sylvie Fraser
Weekly, Thursdays 10.00-11.30

Josseline Martinuzzi & Jonathan Cork
Weekly, Mondays 11.30-13.00

These classes are for those who have progressed from Conversation 1 level
Martine Pothier & Eve Cuchevel
Weekly, Wednesdays 10.00-11.30

These classes are for those who consider themselves to have achieved a level of fluency
Anne Civel
Every other week, Tuesdays 10.00-11.30

ABC - Atelier Bi-langue Conviviale/Amicable Bilingual Conversation
For those who want to improve their language skills in an unstructured and informal way
Jane Eyre
Weekly, Saturdays 15.00-17.00