Soirée Musicale

The new clubhouse has given us a terrific opportunity to revive musical activity run on the ACIP premises. The Soirées Musicales aim to showcase a variety of modern music, including blues, folk and similar music which is generally performed live by members of ACIP and others, for the entertainment of members.

Very sadly, Roger Spencer has stepped down as group leader but Tony Lever has kindly picked up the reins, ably assisted by Barbara Pollard-Dawson who is our resident pianist / keyboard player.

For background, Tony is a long-time semi-professional musician who has played as a guitarist within the pop, rock and blues genres. He also dabbles on keyboards (although rather badly, he modestly suggests) but since moving to France in 2020 he has mostly concentrated on acoustic guitar.

All players, musicians, singers, performers and just audience listeners are most welcome to these monthly events, which is open to all irrespective of musical ability. One of the main objectives of the musical evening is to bring musicians together, as well as to entertain, so we really do need your support to make this a success.

The ambition is to run the evenings once a month on the third Thursday of each month, subject to announcements from Tony. If you are interested to join the mailing list which will keep you up to date with timings and happenings, please contact Tony via the below link.

Contact Soirée Musicale Group Leader

We have a Bose PA system which is used to amplify voices, guitars and keyboards and Shure microphones are available for all to use. Guitarists will need to bring their own instruments whilst acoustic guitars are always connected through the PA system, so please do not bring an acoustic amplifier. A 30 watt Roland Cube amplifier will be provided on stage for those wishing to perform with an electric guitar and cables are available so no need to bring your own. We are very mindful of volume and the need to not cause any annoyance to neighbours.

To keep informed, contact Tony to get yourself on the group circulation list.

Group Leader: Tony Lever
Location: Clubhouse, Le Buisson
Frequency: Once a month, subject to announcements